Ssh Client Key

It's a free, simple, and easy-to-use tool. Terminus is a free and open source software with clean and modern UI, as opposed to numerous proprietary SSH clients out there with an outdated and unintuitive interface. Uses a lot of computer's memory. Key generation with Ubuntu on WSL. Launch Ubuntu on WSL from the start menu and make sure SSH is installed by entering following command at the command prompt. Sudo apt install openssh-client The key generation process is identical to the process on a native Linux or Ubuntu installation. Use SSH keys for authentication when you are connecting to your server, or even between your servers. They can greatly simplify and increase the security of your login process. When keys are implemented correctly they provide a secure, fast, and easy way of accessing your cloud server. Mydesktop$ ssh-keygen -t rsa Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase).

SSH client & key policies

class paramiko.client.AutoAddPolicy

Policy for automatically adding the hostname and new host key to thelocal HostKeys object, and saving it. This is used by SSHClient.

class paramiko.client.MissingHostKeyPolicy

Interface for defining the policy that SSHClient should use when theSSH server’s hostname is not in either the system host keys or theapplication’s keys. Pre-made classes implement policies for automaticallyadding the key to the application’s HostKeys object (AutoAddPolicy),and for automatically rejecting the key (RejectPolicy).

This function may be used to ask the user to verify the key, for example.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

missing_host_key(client, hostname, key)

Called when an SSHClient receives a server key for a server thatisn’t in either the system or local HostKeys object. To acceptthe key, simply return. To reject, raised an exception (which willbe passed to the calling application).

class paramiko.client.RejectPolicy

Policy for automatically rejecting the unknown hostname & key. This isused by SSHClient.

class paramiko.client.SSHClient

A high-level representation of a session with an SSH server. This classwraps Transport, Channel, and SFTPClient to take care of mostaspects of authenticating and opening channels. A typical use case is:

You may pass in explicit overrides for authentication and server host keychecking. The default mechanism is to try to use local key files or anSSH agent (if one is running).

Instances of this class may be used as context managers.

New in version 1.6.


Create a new SSHClient.


Close this SSHClient and its underlying Transport.



Failure to do this may, in some situations, cause your Pythoninterpreter to hang at shutdown (often due to race conditions).It’s good practice to close your client objects anytime you’redone using them, instead of relying on garbage collection.

connect(hostname, port=22, username=None, password=None, pkey=None, key_filename=None, timeout=None, allow_agent=True, look_for_keys=True, compress=False, sock=None, gss_auth=False, gss_kex=False, gss_deleg_creds=True, gss_host=None, banner_timeout=None, auth_timeout=None, gss_trust_dns=True, passphrase=None, disabled_algorithms=None)

Connect to an SSH server and authenticate to it. The server’s host keyis checked against the system host keys (see load_system_host_keys)and any local host keys (load_host_keys). If the server’s hostnameis not found in either set of host keys, the missing host key policyis used (see set_missing_host_key_policy). The default policy isto reject the key and raise an SSHException.

Authentication is attempted in the following order of priority:

  • The pkey or key_filename passed in (if any)
    • key_filename may contain OpenSSH public certificate pathsas well as regular private-key paths; when files ending are found, they are assumed to match a privatekey, and both components will be loaded. (The private keyitself does not need to be listed in key_filename forthis to occur - just the certificate.)
  • Any key we can find through an SSH agent
  • Any “id_rsa”, “id_dsa” or “id_ecdsa” key discoverable in~/.ssh/
    • When OpenSSH-style public certificates exist that match anexisting such private key (so e.g. one has id_rsa the certificate will be loaded alongsidethe private key and used for authentication.
  • Plain username/password auth, if a password was given

If a private key requires a password to unlock it, and a password ispassed in, that password will be used to attempt to unlock the key.

  • hostname (str) – the server to connect to
  • port (int) – the server port to connect to
  • username (str) – the username to authenticate as (defaults to the current localusername)
  • password (str) – Used for password authentication; is also used for private keydecryption if passphrase is not given.
  • passphrase (str) – Used for decrypting private keys.
  • pkey (PKey) – an optional private key to use for authentication
  • key_filename (str) – the filename, or list of filenames, of optional private key(s)and/or certs to try for authentication
  • timeout (float) – an optional timeout (in seconds) for the TCP connect
  • allow_agent (bool) – set to False to disable connecting to the SSH agent
  • look_for_keys (bool) – set to False to disable searching for discoverable private keyfiles in ~/.ssh/
  • compress (bool) – set to True to turn on compression
  • sock (socket) – an open socket or socket-like object (such as a Channel) to usefor communication to the target host
  • gss_auth (bool) – True if you want to use GSS-API authentication
  • gss_kex (bool) – Perform GSS-API Key Exchange and user authentication
  • gss_deleg_creds (bool) – Delegate GSS-API client credentials or not
  • gss_host (str) – The targets name in the kerberos database. default: hostname
  • gss_trust_dns (bool) – Indicates whether or not the DNS is trusted to securelycanonicalize the name of the host being connected to (defaultTrue).
  • banner_timeout (float) – an optional timeout (in seconds) to waitfor the SSH banner to be presented.
  • auth_timeout (float) – an optional timeout (in seconds) to wait foran authentication response.
  • disabled_algorithms (dict) – an optional dict passed directly to Transport and its keywordargument of the same name.

BadHostKeyException – if the server’s host key could not beverified


AuthenticationException – if authentication failed


SSHException – if there was any other error connecting orestablishing an SSH session


socket.error – if a socket error occurred while connecting

Changed in version 1.15: Added the banner_timeout, gss_auth, gss_kex,gss_deleg_creds and gss_host arguments.

Changed in version 2.3: Added the gss_trust_dns argument.

Changed in version 2.4: Added the passphrase argument.

Changed in version 2.6: Added the disabled_algorithms argument.

exec_command(command, bufsize=-1, timeout=None, get_pty=False, environment=None)

Execute a command on the SSH server. A new Channel is opened andthe requested command is executed. The command’s input and outputstreams are returned as Python file-like objects representingstdin, stdout, and stderr.

  • command (str) – the command to execute
  • bufsize (int) – interpreted the same way as by the built-in file() function inPython
  • timeout (int) – set command’s channel timeout. See Channel.settimeout
  • get_pty (bool) – Request a pseudo-terminal from the server (default False).See Channel.get_pty
  • environment (dict) –

    a dict of shell environment variables, to be merged into thedefault environment that the remote command executes within.


    Servers may silently reject some environment variables; see thewarning in Channel.set_environment_variable for details.


the stdin, stdout, and stderr of the executing command, as a3-tuple


SSHException – if the server fails to execute the command


Get the local HostKeys object. This can be used to examine thelocal host keys or change them.

Returns:the local host keys as a HostKeys object.

Ssh Key Setup

Return the underlying Transport object for this SSH connection.This can be used to perform lower-level tasks, like opening specifickinds of channels.

Returns:the Transport for this connection
invoke_shell(term='vt100', width=80, height=24, width_pixels=0, height_pixels=0, environment=None)

Start an interactive shell session on the SSH server. A new Channelis opened and connected to a pseudo-terminal using the requestedterminal type and size.

  • term (str) – the terminal type to emulate (for example, 'vt100')
  • width (int) – the width (in characters) of the terminal window
  • height (int) – the height (in characters) of the terminal window
  • width_pixels (int) – the width (in pixels) of the terminal window
  • height_pixels (int) – the height (in pixels) of the terminal window
  • environment (dict) – the command’s environment

a new Channel connected to the remote shell


SSHException – if the server fails to invoke a shell


Load host keys from a local host-key file. Host keys read with thismethod will be checked after keys loaded via load_system_host_keys,but will be saved back by save_host_keys (so they can be modified).The missing host key policy AutoAddPolicy adds keys to this set andsaves them, when connecting to a previously-unknown server.

This method can be called multiple times. Each new set of host keyswill be merged with the existing set (new replacing old if there areconflicts). When automatically saving, the last hostname is used.

Parameters:filename (str) – the filename to read
Raises:IOError – if the filename could not be read

Load host keys from a system (read-only) file. Host keys read withthis method will not be saved back by save_host_keys.

This method can be called multiple times. Each new set of host keyswill be merged with the existing set (new replacing old if there areconflicts).

Ssh Client Key

If filename is left as None, an attempt will be made to readkeys from the user’s local “known hosts” file, as used by OpenSSH,and no exception will be raised if the file can’t be read. This isprobably only useful on posix.

Parameters:filename (str) – the filename to read, or None
Raises:IOError –if a filename was provided and the file could not be read

Open an SFTP session on the SSH server.

Returns:a new SFTPClient session object

Save the host keys back to a file. Only the host keys loaded withload_host_keys (plus any added directly) will be saved – not anyhost keys loaded with load_system_host_keys.

Parameters:filename (str) – the filename to save to
Raises:IOError – if the file could not be written

Set the channel for logging. The default is 'paramiko.transport'but it can be set to anything you want.

Parameters:name (str) – new channel name for logging
Ssh Client Key

Set policy to use when connecting to servers without a known host key.


  • A policy is a “policy class” (or instance thereof), namely somesubclass of MissingHostKeyPolicy such as RejectPolicy (thedefault), AutoAddPolicy, WarningPolicy, or a user-createdsubclass.
  • A host key is known when it appears in the client object’s cachedhost keys structures (those manipulated by load_system_host_keysand/or load_host_keys).
Parameters:policy (MissingHostKeyPolicy) – the policy to use when receiving a host key from apreviously-unknown server
class paramiko.client.WarningPolicy

Policy for logging a Python-style warning for an unknown host key, butaccepting it. This is used by SSHClient.


Most authentication in Windows environments is done with a username-password pair.This works well for systems that share a common domain.When working across domains, such as between on-premise and cloud-hosted systems, it becomes vulnerable to brute force intrusions.

By comparison, Linux environments commonly use public-key/private-key pairs to drive authentication which doesn't require the use of guessable passwords.OpenSSH includes tools to help support this, specifically:

  • ssh-keygen for generating secure keys
  • ssh-agent and ssh-add for securely storing private keys
  • scp and sftp to securely copy public key files during initial use of a server

This document provides an overview of how to use these tools on Windows to begin using key authentication with SSH.If you are unfamiliar with SSH key management, we strongly recommend you review NIST document IR 7966 titled 'Security of Interactive and Automated Access Management Using Secure Shell (SSH).'

About key pairs

Key pairs refer to the public and private key files that are used by certain authentication protocols.

SSH public-key authentication uses asymmetric cryptographic algorithms to generate two key files – one 'private' and the other 'public'. The private key files are the equivalent of a password, and should stay protected under all circumstances. If someone acquires your private key, they can log in as you to any SSH server you have access to. The public key is what is placed on the SSH server, and may be shared without compromising the private key.

When using key authentication with an SSH server, the SSH server and client compare the public keys for username provided against the private key. If the server-side public key cannot be validated against the client-side private key, authentication fails.

Multi-factor authentication may be implemented with key pairs by requiring that a passphrase be supplied when the key pair is generated (see key generation below).During authentication the user is prompted for the passphrase, which is used along with the presence of the private key on the SSH client to authenticate the user.

Host key generation

Public keys have specific ACL requirements that, on Windows, equate to only allowing access to administrators and System.To make this easier,

  • The OpenSSHUtils PowerShell module has been created to set the key ACLs properly, and should be installed on the server
  • On first use of sshd, the key pair for the host will be automatically generated. If ssh-agent is running, the keys will be automatically added to the local store.

To make key authentication easy with an SSH server, run the following commands from an elevated PowerShell prompt:

Since there is no user associated with the sshd service, the host keys are stored under ProgramDatassh.

User key generation

To use key-based authentication, you first need to generate some public/private key pairs for your client.From PowerShell or cmd, use ssh-keygen to generate some key files.

This should display something like the following (where 'username' is replaced by your user name)

You can hit Enter to accept the default, or specify a path where you'd like your keys to be generated.At this point, you'll be prompted to use a passphrase to encrypt your private key files.The passphrase works with the key file to provide 2-factor authentication.For this example, we are leaving the passphrase empty.

Now you have a public/private ED25519 key pair(the .pub files are public keys and the rest are private keys):

Remember that private key files are the equivalent of a password should be protected the same way you protect your password.To help with that, use ssh-agent to securely store the private keys within a Windows security context, associated with your Windows login.To do that, start the ssh-agent service as Administrator and use ssh-add to store the private key.


After completing these steps, whenever a private key is needed for authentication from this client, ssh-agent will automatically retrieve the local private key and pass it to your SSH client.


It is strongly recommended that you back up your private key to a secure location,then delete it from the local system, after adding it to ssh-agent.The private key cannot be retrieved from the agent.If you lose access to the private key, you would have to create a new key pairand update the public key on all systems you interact with.

Deploying the public key

To use the user key that was created above, the public key needs to be placed on the server into a text file called authorized_keys under usersusername.ssh.The OpenSSH tools include scp, which is a secure file-transfer utility, to help with this.

To move the contents of your public key ( into a text file called authorized_keys in ~.ssh on your server/host.

This example uses the Repair-AuthorizedKeyPermissions function in the OpenSSHUtils module which was previously installed on the host in the instructions above.

These steps complete the configuration required to use key-based authentication with SSH on Windows.After this, the user can connect to the sshd host from any client that has the private key.