Openttd Multiplayer Server

The OpenTTD documentation is stored and edited using this wiki.Feel free to start editing as soon as you feel you can, but read the Manual of Style first. Some articles need smaller changes to satisfy our needs, and there is a list of these. If you don't feel up to writing full. When you play OpenTTD you will experience the following styles of play. In a strategy game the player is required to use skillful thinking and a strong focus on planning ahead in order to achieve victory over their opponent. They can be either single player against bots or multiplayer against other players. Realtime OpenTTD Servers. This information is cached till 2021-04-09 22:56:15 UTC. Companies: 10 / 15 Spectators: 0 / 15 Language: All Map name: multiplayer20210226.sav (Loaded game) Landscape: Temperate Map size: 4096 x 4096. Dedicated server: Yes Server password: Yes Start date: 1923-01-01 Current date: 1987-08-21.

FS#2644 - Join Multiplayer Server: Crash: net Trying to execute a packet in the past! Attached to Project: OpenTTD Opened by tb2571989 (tb2571989) - Thursday, 19 February 2009, 11:50 GMT. OpenTTD uses port 3979 (both TCP and UDP) by default for multiplayer games. So you have to port forward your router to open this port. Just look into a tutorial on your specific router to know where you have to go in the options to enable it. If this port isn't open then your game wont advertise on line.


Last updated: 2011-02-16

Table of contents

  • 1.0) Starting a server
  • 2.0) Connecting to a server
    • 2.1) Connecting to a server over the console
  • 3.0) Playing internet games
  • 4.0) Tips for servers
    • 4.1)Imposing landscaping limits
  • 5.0) Some useful things
  • 6.0) Troubleshooting

1.0) Starting a server

  • Make sure that you have your firewall of the computer as well as possiblerouters or modems of the server configured such that:
    • port 3979 is free for both UDP and TCP connections in- and outgoing
    • port 3978 is free outbound for UDP in order to advertise with the master server (if desired). Otherwise you’ll have to tell players your IP.
    • port 3977 if use of the admin interface is desired (see admin_network.txt)
  • Click “multiplayer” on the startup screen
  • Click “start server”
  • Type in a game name
  • Select the type of game (‘LAN/Internet’ or ‘Internet (advertise)’. With thelast one other people are able to see you online. Else they need your IP andport to join)
  • Click “start game”, “load game” or “load scenario”
  • Start playing

2.0) Connecting to a server

  • Click “multiplayer” on the startup screen
  • If you want to connect to any network game in your LAN click on ‘LAN’, thenon ‘Find Server’
  • If you want to see which servers all online on the Internet, click on‘Internet’ and ‘Find Server’
  • If there were more than one server
    • select one in the list below the buttons
    • click on ‘join game’
  • If you want to play and you have the ip or hostname of the game server youwant connect to.
    • click add server
    • type in the ip address or hostname
    • if you want to add a port use :
  • Now you can select a company and press: “Join company”, to help that company
    • Or you can press “Spectate game”, to spectate the game
    • Or you can press “New company”, and start your own company (if there areslots free)
  • You see a progressbar how far you are with joining the server.
  • Happy playing

2.1) Connecting to a server over the console

Openttd How To Host Server

  • Open the console and type in the following command: connect <ip/host>:<port>#<company-no>

3.0) Playing internet games

  • Servers with a red dot behind it have a different version then you have. Youwill not be able to join those servers.

  • Servers with a yellow dot behind it have NewGRFs that you do not have. Youwill not be able to join those servers. However, via “NewGRF Settings” and“Find missing content online” you might be able to download the neededNewGRFs after which you can join the server.

  • It can happen that a connection is that slow, or you have that many clientsconnected to your server, that your clients start to loose their connection.Some things you can do about it:

    • [network] frame_freq:change it in console with: ‘set network.frame_freq 'the number should be between the 0 and 10, not much higher. It indicatesthe delay between clicking and showing up. The higher, the more you noticeit, but the less bandwidth you use.A good value for Internet-games is 2 or 3.

    • [network] sync_freq:change it in console with: ‘set network.sync_freq 'the number should be between the 50 and 1000, not much lower, not muchhigher. It indicates the time between sync-frames. A sync-frame is a framewhich checks if all clients are still in sync. When the value it too high,clients can desync in 1960, but the server detects it in 1970. Not reallyhandy. The lower the value, the more bandwidth it uses.

    NB: changing frame_freq has more effect on the bandwidth then sync_freq.

4.0) Tips for servers

  • You can launch a dedicated server by adding -D as parameter.
  • In UNIX like systems, you can fork your dedicated server by adding -f asparameter.

  • You can automatically clean companies that do not have a client connected tothem, for, let’s say, 3 years. You can do this via: ‘set autoclean_companies’and ‘set autoclean_protected’ and ‘set autoclean_unprotected’. Unprotectedremoves a password from a company when it is not used for more then thedefined amount of months. ‘set autoclean_novehicles’ can be used to removecompanies without any vehicles quickly.

  • You can also do this manually via the console: ‘reset_company’.

  • You can let your server automatically restart a map when, let’s say, year 2030is reached. See ‘set restart_game_date’ for detail.

  • If you want to be on the server-list, enable Advertising. To do this, select‘Internet (advertise)’ in the Start Server menu, or type in console:‘set server_advertise 1’.

  • You can protect your server with a password via the console: ‘set server_pw’,or via the Start Server menu.

  • When you have many clients connected to your server via Internet, watch yourbandwidth (if you have any limit on it, set by your ISP). One client usesabout 1.5 kilobytes per second up and down. To decrease this amount, setting‘frame_freq’ to 1 will reduce it to roughly 1 kilobyte per second per client.

  • OpenTTD’s default settings for maximum number of clients, and amount of datafrom clients to process are chosen to not influence the normal playing ofpeople, but to prevent or at least make it less likely that someone canperform a (distributed) denial-of-service attack on your server by causingan out-of-memory event by flooding the server with data to send to allclients. The major factor in this is the maximum number of clients; with32 clients “only” sending one chat message causes 1024 messages to bedistributed in total, with 64 clients that already quadruples to 4096. Giventhat upstream bandwidth is usually the limiting factor, a queue of packetsthat need to be sent will be created.To prevent clients from exploiting this “explosion” of packets to send welimit the number of incoming data, resulting in effectively limiting theamount of data that OpenTTD will send to the clients. Even with the defaultlimits it is possible to generate about 70.000 packets per second, or about7 megabit per second of traffic.Given that OpenTTD kicks clients after they have not reacted within about 9seconds from sending a frame update packet it would be possible that OpenTTDkeeps about 600.000 packets in memory, using about 50 megabytes of memory.Given that OpenTTD allows short bursts of packets, you can have slightlymore packets in memory in case of a distributed denial of service attack.When increasing the amount of incoming data, or the maximum number ofclients the amount of memory OpenTTD needs in case of a distributed denialof service attack is linearly related to the amount of incoming data andquadratic to the amount of clients. In short, a rule of thumb for, themaximum memory usage for packets is: #max_clients * #max_clients * bytes_per_frame * 10 KiB.

4.1) Imposing landscaping limits

  • You can impose limits on companies by the following 4 settings:
    • terraform_per_64k_frames
    • terraform_frame_burst
    • clear_per_64k_frames
    • clear_frame_burst
  • Explaining ‘per_64K_frames’ and ‘burst’
    • ‘burst’ defines 3 things, the maximum limit, the limit of a single action,and the initial value for the limit assigned to a new company.This setting is fairly simple and requires no math.

      A value of 1 means a single tile can be affected by a single action.This results in having to click 400 times when wanting to cover an areaof 20 x 20 tiles.

      The default value 4096 covers an area of 64 x 64 tiles.

    • ‘per_64k_frames’ defines the number of tiles added to each companies limitper frame (however not past the possible maximum value,the ‘burst’).64k rather resembles the exact number of 65536 frames. So setting thisvariable to 65536 means: 65536 / 65536 = 1 tile per frame.As a day consists of 74 frames, a company’s limit is increased by 74tiles during the course of a single day (2.22 seconds).

      To achieve a 1 tile per day increase the following calculation is needed:1 / 74 (frames per day) * 65536 (per_64k_frames) = 885.62…after rounding: a value of 886 means adding a bit over 1 tile per day.

      There is still enough space to scale this value downwards:decreasing this value to 127 results in a bit over 1 tile added to theallowance per week (7 days).

      To create a setup in which a company gets an initial allowance only,set the value to 0 - no increase of the allowance per frame.

  • Even though construction actions include a clear tile action, they are notaffected by the above settings.
Openttd multiplayer server download

5.0) Some useful things

  • You can protect your company so nobody else can join uninvited. To do this,set a password in your Company Screen

  • You can give other players some money via the ClientList (under the ‘head’in the mainbar).

  • You can chat with other players via ENTER or via SHIFT+T or via the ClientList

  • Servers can now kick players, so don’t make them use it!

6.0) Troubleshooting

Openttd Multiplayer Server Free

  • My advertising server does not show up in list at Run openttd with the ‘-d net=2’ parameter. That will show which incoming communication is received, whether the replies from the master server or communication from an admin tool reach the programme. See section 1 ‘Starting a server’ further up for the ports and protocols used by OpenTTD. The ports can be configured in the config file.

  • My advertising server warns a lot about getaddrinfo taking N seconds This could be a transient issue with your (local) DNS server, but if the problem persists there is likely a configuration issue in DNS resolving on your computer. This seems to be a common configuration issue for Docker instances, where the DNS resolving waits for a time out of usually 5 seconds.

The rate is approximately 1.2 kbyte/sec upload and 1.2 kbyte/sec download per client. As of OpenTTD 0.7.0 (or more precise since r15242) it is possible to move between companies/spectator and create new companies without having to rejoin the game, You can find the 'New Company' option in the company list, it is only available if you are a spectator. Every company window has a join button (only displayed if you are not in that company). Yes. If you disabled pause_on_join, the game continues meanwhile. Stopped vehicles have no ongoing cost. You can either do that through the multiplayer window or by using the following command line syntax: openttd -n IP[:port][#CompanyID] Example: openttd -n I mean, if I start a a server, my details appear there but it still states 'Server offline' - even to me and most certainly to my friend as well. I figured since i ran a minecraft server on hamachi that i can do the same with Openttd. In 2003 or 2004, development moved to their own server. Then you send the money back, and keep doing that. Your trains and roads and the like cannot be flattened by another player. They might be charitable and give you some millions. If anyone could help that would be great. Stop all your vehicles. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. go to multiplayer > start server > advertised:yes > name server > set password > start server > tell friends password and server name This can happen while new players join the game, when there are less than the minimum active clients, or when the server administrator or Game Script manually pauses the game. People get disconnected while joining, how to fix that? Multiplayer is where OpenTTD tickles me the most. If the servers 'max_companies' limit has been reached, this option is grayed out.
What resources you have are precious. (but not sports). Multiplayer is where OpenTTD tickles me the most. Even when they are loading/unloading they incur a running cost. You can only open up 15 companies though. Playing OpenTTD makes me feel like Richard Branson and Eddie Stobart’s love child. Enter multiplayer mode by clicking the 'Mutiplayer' button on the intro screen. As I've had a lot of experience in this arena, I hope this document will bring out a smarter generation of Multiplayer servers that work hard to dissuade cheating. The prevention for this con ultimately should be that server admins should disable share trading in openttd.cfg. But for the players it's a real problem. These depots and these wagons will not show up in any list, so the only way for the 'bad guy' to find them is scan the whole map. My friend and I are looking to start a new game of OpenTTD in multiplayer. If the game is paused that is displayed as usually in the status bar. Use them whenever you can if there is a problem. From time to time I play OpenTTD with friends. Always, always set a password. Increase the values until your users can connect normally. The page. Some things to watch out for: How many players can join an OpenTTD game? This series will take you through how to play OpenTTD.
You can use these later for land reconstruction when you decide a linkup needs expanding.

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