Readr Cheat Sheet

  1. Accelerated Reader Cheat Sheet
  2. Read R Cheat Sheet

Accelerated Reader Cheat Page!

Ok, first off, let me welcome you to the AR Cheat Page. If you are not looking for a way to cheat on the Accelerated Reader program, then LEAVE. If you are, then you've come to the right place! Below are instructions on how to get just about how many ever points you need. Now, if you don't care about how/why I came up with this system, skip to below the divider. If not, read on

Well, let's start with WHY I'm doing this. I'm a computer programmer (yes, at 13 years old) and my school adopted the AR program when I was in 5th grade (I'm in 8th now), so since I had to get x amount of points to maintain a good average. Now, I didn't mind too much about the reading part, BUT, instead of reading my computer books, I had to read all of these fiction books that didn't help me at all! I could have stacked my computer books (that I wanted to read) up to two feet thick! So, you see my problem? I'm an efficient person, I don't waste my time, and I wasn't about to let this stand in my way!

The goal of readr is to provide a fast and friendly way to read rectangular data (like csv, tsv, and fwf). It is designed to flexibly parse many types of data found in the wild, while still cleanly failing when data unexpectedly changes. If you are new to readr, the best place to. The AR Cheat Page gives students who's schools uses the Accelerated Reader program a break from reading:) Accelerated Reader Cheat Page! Ok, first off, let me welcome you to the AR Cheat Page. For a way to cheat on the Accelerated Reader program, then LEAVE. If you are, then.

So, you might also ask HOW I came up with the system? Well, in my reading classroom (where you take tests), there are 3 computers next to eachother. All three are used for taking tests. Some of my friends and I sometimes sat next to each other and took the same tests. We noticed the the choices were randomized (what choice would be A one time, could be C the next), but we were about to look at the text and still cheat. This method, however, was not robust. The teacher could see that we were taking a test on the same book and were on the same question. Something had to be done. I used my brain and came up with this ROBUST system!

Although I am in eighth grade now and am done taking reading class, I do feel the pain of my fellow humans, so I made this.

  • Home - Screen Reader Cheat Sheet. Some Commands that are Important for Testing. There are some commands we need to know for testing, but we don't use them very often. This makes them difficult to remember. So, here they are: Toggling Between Modes. Window Eyes Browse On and Browse Off =.
  • E-Reader Cheat Sheet – (Technologizer) Top Posts « Says: October 27th, 2009 at 5:37 pm The E-Reader Explosion: A Cheat Sheet By almost any imaginable definition, last week was the newsiest ever in the still-new world of e-book readers.

Accelerated Reader Cheat Sheet


IELTS Writing Cheat Sheet quantity. Reviews (0) Reviews There are no reviews yet. The information and opinions expressed on The Critical Reader are the exclusive work of Erica Meltzer and are in no way affiliated with the College Board or the ACT.

Ok, first let me teach you the format the answers are written in. If the 'answer' is '1', then you choose the SHORTEST answer. If the 'answer' is '4', then you choose the LONGEST answer. If the 'answer' is '2', you choose the next to shortest answer. Finally, if the 'answer' is '3', then you choose the next to longest answer'. You may be confused. Let me give you an example:

What did the boy say to his mom?


A. 'Hello mom, how are you today?'

B. 'Hey you'

C. 'Mom, where do babies come from?'

D. 'What's for supper?'

In this case, if the answer I gave you was '1', then you would choose 'B' (because B is the SHORTEST answer). If the answer I gave you was '2', then you would choose 'D' (because D is the next to shortest answer). If the answer I gave you was '3', you would choose 'A' (because A is the next to longest answer). If the answer I gave you was '4', you would choose 'C' (because that's the longest choice).

If you don't understand it yet, you aren't worthy to use this system. Go to school and learn before you cheat!

NOTE: Your school might not have these tests because the schools buy disks with different tests, and different schools buy different disks.

Now, here are some answers, the first number is the answer to the first question, and the last number is the answer to the last question. It's quite simple

The Witch of Blackbird Pond2123144211
My Hairiest Adventure3323442421
The Planet of Junior Brown2413211313
James and the Giant Peach1423234243
Night of the Living Dumbie3444243441
Malcom X1213232241
The BFG3143431341
Carl Lewis2222143411

This is our current list (it's not too big). I am working on copying my skool's AR disks and buying an old mac and exporting the database and making a program that will automatically give me the answers in my format and compile them into a table! So....CHECK BACK SOON AND TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT THIS PAGE! Also, click on the banner below to support us and keep us from charging $$$ for answers!

This banner was supplied by SAFE Audit

© Emma Kumer/

Windows hotkeys—when you press two or more keys at once to tell your computer to do something specific—are your, well, key to saving time when you're at your computer. Once you have them memorized, you'll find that this process is faster than using your mouse to go into a menu and select a command.

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Microsoft Windows has certain keyboard shortcuts that can make switching between applications, taking screenshots, opening certain programs, and more, faster using hotkeys. Here are the ones you need to know.

Basic Window commands

These basic PC keyboard shortcuts will work on all applications, browsers, and programs, as well as Windows 10 and earlier versions including Windows 8.

Note: To make any hotkey work, you need to press the indicated keys at the same time.

CTRL + ZUndo your last action, such as typing the wrong word or accidentally deleting a file (Note: This doesn't work to reopen closed windows.)
Alt + TabSwitch between your open applications
Alt + Print ScreenTake a screenshot
CTRL + Alt + Delete (Del)Open the Windows Task Manager application
CTRL + WClose a browser tab, window, or open file
F5Instantly refresh the current page in your browser
F12Open the Save As… window when you're in a word processor application like Microsoft Word. Here's a list of what all the computer F keys do
Alt + F4Close an open window
Shift + F10Right-click on a selected item
CTRL + ASelect all
Shift + DeleteSelect the file, then press to delete
CTRL + CCopy something you have selected
CTRL + VPaste the selection you copied
CTRL + XCut (delete and copy) a selection
CTRL + BStart typing in bold. Hit the hotkey again for regular text
CTRL + IStart typing in italics. Hit again for regular text
CTRL + UStart typing words that are underlined. Hit again for regular text

Navigating Windows shortcuts

Many Windows keyboard shortcuts involve tapping the Windows key. What is the Windows key? It is a key specific to PC computer keyboards (basically the PC version of Apple's command key) and can be identified by the Windows logo. It is typically found next to the Alt key.

Here are some Windows key commands and what they do:

Read R Cheat Sheet

Windows key (Win)Opens the Start menu on your computer
Windows button + TabSwitch your view from one open window to the next. For example, you can go from your browser to Photoshop and back simply by tapping this combination of hotkeys
Windows key + DMake the desktop pop up on the screen
Windows key + left arrow keyTo organize two windows that you want to look at side-by-side, open one window and tap this hotkey to 'snap' the second window to the left side of the screen. Then, open the other window and tap the Windows key + right arrow to snap the second window to the right. This works on Windows 7 and up
Windows key + LLock your computer quickly
Windows key + IOpen your Windows settings application

Anyone who also works on an Apple computer will also want to know these Mac keyboard shortcuts.