Github Description Markdown

Discord Markdown. Using developer mode User settings ➤ Appearance ➤ Developer Mode ➤ enable and now you can find id of any user, message.

  • Get the best out of Visual Studio Code for Markdown.
  • Search for Github Markdown Snippets. Clone the repository or download the ZIP. Put it in your Packages( Preferences Browse Packages.

All you need for Markdown (keyboard shortcuts, table of contents, auto preview and more).

Table of Contents

  • Features
  • FAQ


Keyboard shortcuts

(Typo: multiple words)

See full key binding list in the keyboard shortcuts section

Table of contents

  • Run command 'Create Table of Contents' to insert a new table of contents.

  • The TOC is automatically updated on file save by default. To disable, please change the toc.updateOnSave option.

  • The indentation type (tab or spaces) of TOC can be configured per file. Find the setting in the right bottom corner of VS Code's status bar.

    Note: Be sure to also check the list.indentationSize option.

  • To make TOC compatible with GitHub or GitLab, set option slugifyMode accordingly

  • Three ways to control which headings are present in the TOC:

    Click to expand
    1. Add <!-- omit in toc --> at the end of a heading to ignore it in TOC
      (It can also be placed above a heading)

    2. Use toc.levels setting.

    3. You can also use the toc.omittedFromToc setting to omit some headings (and their subheadings) from TOC:


      • Setext headings (underlined with or ---) can also be omitted, just put their # and ## versions in the setting, respectively.
      • When omitting heading, make sure headings within a document are unique. Duplicate headings may lead to unpredictable behavior.
  • Easily add/update/remove section numbering

  • In case you are seeing unexpected TOC recognition, you can add a <!-- no toc --> comment above the list.

List editing

Note: By default, this extension tries to determine indentation size for different lists according to CommonMark Spec. If you prefer to use a fixed tab size, please change the list.indentationSize setting.

Print Markdown to HTML

  • Commands Markdown: Print current document to HTMLand Markdown: Print documents to HTML (batch mode)

  • Compatible with other installed Markdown plugins (e.g. Markdown Footnotes)The exported HTML should look the same as inside VSCode.

  • Use comment <!-- title: Your Title --> to specify a title of the exported HTML.

  • Plain links to .md files will be converted to .html.

  • It's recommended to print the exported HTML to PDF with browser (e.g. Chrome) if you want to share your documents with others.

GitHub Flavored Markdown

  • Table formatter

    Note: The key binding is Ctrl + Shift + I on Linux. See Visual Studio Code Key Bindings.

  • Task lists


Please use Markdown+Math for dedicated math support. Be sure to disable math.enabled option of this extension.

Auto completions

Tip: also support the option completion.root

  • Images/Files (respects option search.exclude)

  • Math functions (including option katex.macros)

  • Reference links


  • Paste link on selected text

  • Override 'Open Preview' keybinding with 'Toggle Preview', which means you can close preview using the same keybinding (Ctrl + Shift + V or Ctrl + K V).

Available Commands

  • Markdown All in One: Create Table of Contents
  • Markdown All in One: Update Table of Contents
  • Markdown All in One: Add/Update section numbers
  • Markdown All in One: Remove section numbers
  • Markdown All in One: Toggle code span
  • Markdown All in One: Toggle code block
  • Markdown All in One: Print current document to HTML
  • Markdown All in One: Print documents to HTML
  • Markdown All in One: Toggle math environment
  • Markdown All in One: Toggle list
    • It will cycle through list markers (-, *, +, 1. and 1))

Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl/Cmd + BToggle bold
Ctrl/Cmd + IToggle italic
Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + ]Toggle heading (uplevel)
Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + [Toggle heading (downlevel)
Ctrl/Cmd + MToggle math environment
Alt + CCheck/Uncheck task list item
Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + VToggle preview
Ctrl/Cmd + K VToggle preview to side

Supported Settings

markdown.extension.completion.respectVscodeSearchExcludetrueWhether to consider search.exclude option when providing file path completions
markdown.extension.completion.rootRoot folder when providing file path completions (It takes effect when the path starts with /)
markdown.extension.italic.indicator*Use * or _ to wrap italic text
markdown.extension.katex.macros{}KaTeX macros e.g. { 'name': 'expansion', .. }
markdown.extension.list.indentationSizeadaptiveUse different indentation size for ordered and unordered list
markdown.extension.orderedList.autoRenumbertrueAuto fix list markers as you edits
markdown.extension.orderedList.markerorderedOr one: always use 1. as ordered list marker
markdown.extension.preview.autoShowPreviewToSidefalseAutomatically show preview when opening a Markdown file.
markdown.extension.print.absoluteImgPathtrueConvert image path to absolute path
markdown.extension.print.imgToBase64falseConvert images to base64 when printing to HTML
markdown.extension.print.includeVscodeStylesheetstrueWhether to include VSCode's default styles
markdown.extension.print.onFileSavefalsePrint to HTML on file save
markdown.extension.print.themelightTheme of the exported HTML
markdown.extension.print.validateUrlstrueEnable/disable URL validation when printing
markdown.extension.syntax.decorationstrueAdd decorations to ~~strikethrough~~ and code span
markdown.extension.syntax.decorationFileSizeLimit50000Don't render syntax decorations if a file is larger than this size (in byte/B)
markdown.extension.syntax.plainThemefalseA distraction-free theme
markdown.extension.tableFormatter.enabledtrueEnable GFM table formatter
markdown.extension.toc.downcaseLinktrueForce the TOC links to be lowercase
markdown.extension.toc.slugifyModegithubSlugify mode for TOC link generation (vscode, github, gitlab or gitea)
markdown.extension.toc.omittedFromToc{}Lists of headings to omit by project file (e.g. { '': ['# Introduction'] })
markdown.extension.toc.levels1.6Control the heading levels to show in the table of contents.
markdown.extension.toc.orderedListfalseUse ordered list in the table of contents.
markdown.extension.toc.plaintextfalseJust plain text.
markdown.extension.toc.unorderedList.marker-Use -, * or + in the table of contents (for unordered list)
markdown.extension.toc.updateOnSavetrueAutomatically update the table of contents on save.


Q: Error 'command 'markdown.extension.onXXXKey' not found'

In most cases, it is because VSCode needs a few seconds to load this extension when you open a Markdown file for the first time. (You will see a message 'Activating Extensions..' on the status bar.)

If you still see this 'command not found' error after waiting for a long time, please try to restart VSCode (or reinstall this extension1 if needed). Otherwise feel free to open a new issue on GitHub.

1. uninstall this extension, restart VSCode (important!) and then reinstall

Q: Which Markdown syntax is supported?

Github Markdown Reference

  • Tables, strikethrough and task lists (from GitHub Flavored Markdown)
  • Math support (from KaTeX)

For other Markdown syntax, you need to install the corresponding extensions from VSCode marketplace (e.g. Mermaid diagram, emoji, footnotes and superscript). Once installed, they will take effect in VSCode and also the exported HTML file.

Q: This extension has overridden some of my key bindings (e.g. Ctrl + B, Alt + C)

You can easily manage key bindings with VSCode's 'Keyboard Shortcuts' page. (Commands provided by this extension have prefix markdown.extension.)

Q: The extension is unresponsive, causing lag etc. (performance issues)

From experience, there is a good chance that the performance issues are caused by other extensions (e.g., some spell checker extensions).

To find out the root cause, you can install our development build (debug.vsix) and create a CPU profile following this official instruction from the VS Code. And then please open a GitHub issue with that profile (.cpuprofile.txt) attached.


See CHANGELOG for more information.

Latest Development Build

Download it here, please click the latest passing event to download artifacts. There are two versions: markdown-all-in-one-*.vsix is the regular build, while debug.vsix Telsignal driver download for windows 10. is used to create a verbose CPU profile.

To install, execute Extensions: Install from VSIX.. in the VS Code Command Palette (ctrl + shift + p)


  • File bugs, feature requests in GitHub Issues.
  • Leave a review on Visual Studio Marketplace.
  • Buy me a coffee ☕ (via PayPal, Alipay or WeChat).

Special thanks to the collaborator @Lemmingh and all other contributors.



Start with a simple

Github readme markdown online editor

Linking to Markdown documents in the same directory

Creating a link to a document in the current Markdown directory is easy:

Terminology and sample directory structure to illustrate these examples

Github Description Markdown

Here is a typical GitHub Pages directory structure.

Root directory

For the purposes of these illustrations, we’ll call /docs the root directory. If you’re usedto Git projects or directory structure you may be puzzled because you might think of / as root.GitHub Pages prefers your documentation to start in /docs because typically the actual / root is reserved for code.


In the above illustration, tutorial is a subdirectory of /docs. So are the assets and reference directories.You might think of them as child folders or child directories, which is fine. The normal terminology issubdirectory, though.

Depending on context, you might see these directories called /assets, /reference, or /tutorial.That’s because the implied root directory is /docs. Their full designations would be /docs/assets and so forth.

The v1 directory is a subdirectory of /reference, so it is likely to be referred to in these documents as/reference/v1 even though it’s technically /docs/reference/v1

Parent directory

The opposite of a subdirectory is a parent directory. So:

  • / is the parent of the docs directory
  • /docs is the parent of the reference directory
  • /docs/reference is the parent of the /v1 directory


Adesk 730hd driver download for windows 10. Any description of a file location is called a path. For example, the full pathname of in the above example is /docs/ The correct term for that path is either absolute path or fully qualified pathname, for the most part it’s just called the path in this guide.

Relative directories

The last couple of points describe relative directories. Relative directories also have notation, where a single dot followed by a slash ./ refers to the current directory, and two docs followed by a slash ./ refer to the parent directory. So:

  • A link from within the document to the file screenshot-home-1024x512.png would look like this: assets/img/screenshot-home-1024x512.png (no relative notation used)
  • A relative link from within the document to the file would be notated as ./ in relative terms.
  • A link from within the document to the file could be notated as without a relative path as /docs/,which is also termed a fully qualified pathname.
  • A link from within the document to would be notated as././ in relative terms.

Linking to Markdown documents in a subdirectory/child directory

Building on relative directories, here are full examples.

GitHub-flavored Markdown links with .md get silently converted to HTML links

If you’re used to HTML, you’re probably noticing something on odd. The link goes to, not contact.html, and we know thejob of a static site generator like Jekyll, which is used by GitHub,is to convert Markdown files to HTML. How does this turn into a valid link?

Jekyll sees internal links like and convertsthem to something like contact or contact.html. The GitHub webserver observes this convention too.

GitHub-flavored Markdown differs from standard Markdown

GitHub uses an extended version of Markdown.The internal linking feature is one element of many. For complete details, see theGitHub-flavored Markdown Spec technical spec.

A link from within to article would therefore look like this:

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